I have been making collages for decades. I own very few since I have given so many away to friends. Occasionally I have taught collage and color theory at MIT. My early collages were all made from paper that I took from wall placards in Italy during my frequent trips there. Once, arriving back in the U.S., a customs official took me aside to inspect my huge duffel bags. There was nothing of consequence in there, but he was mystified. Why am I bringing garbage back into the U.S.? he wanted to know. I was introduced to collage by Bernard Hoesli, my design teacher at the E.T. H., who was a "closet" collage artist himself. For some writing of mine that reference the ideas that interest me, see: "Recognizing Ruskin: Modern Painters and the Refractions of Self", Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture, No. 32, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1997): 70-87. "Bernhard Hoesli Collages/Civitas," in Bernhard Hoesli: Collages, exh. cat. , Christina Betanzos Pint, editor (Knoxville: University of Tennessee, September 2001), 3-11.